Stock Counts


“Stock Counting” functionality has been provided to allow counting to take place on individual stores. The functionality covers the whole cycle, starting from generating the list of all the items in the store, through the stock count list printing and finally entering the counted quantities back into the system and processing the stock count document which generates the relevant adjustments required to bring the Computer Stock in-line with the Actual Stock.


Accessed from Inventory >> Inventory Movements >> Stock Counts





The scan form initially opened after the Stock Counts menu item is clicked, shows all Stock Counts created so far.


The information available in the list includes:


Count Date – The date the Stock Count document has been created.


Stock Count No. – The Stock Count Document number generated by the system.


Reference Code – The free text reference code entered when the new document is created.


Store location – the code of the store location the Stock Count has been created against.


Processed – The flag denoting whether the particular Stock Count document has been already processed. The detailed meaning of the term “processed” in this context is explained later in the section.



Creating a new Stock Count

Printing the Stock Count

Filling In Counted Quantities

Processing the Stock Count