Meter Types


This is where different meter types are defined which are used by equipment reading points. Meters type can be defined to represent different types of indicator, e.g. temperature gauges, milometer, voltmeter, ammeter, counters etc.


This area is where the different types of meters you use are defined; it is not used for specifying the location of individual devices. These are set up in equipment reading points.


Accessed from Standing Data >>Equipment >> Meter Types



The scan form shows all the meter types that have already been configured, to add a new meter click on the ‘Add New’ button on the menu.





This is a unique code to identify this Meter Type. It is a free text field but the code entered must be unique.


Unit of Measure


Here is specified the unit of measure for the indicator, e.g. miles, degrees centigrade, rpm, volts, amps. The unit of measure used does have to be defined in the system under units of measure. This field does support type ahead. Units of measure are configured under inventory Standing Data.




Free text description of the Meter Type.


Meter Type


The meter type value indicates the type of value being recorded and is used in the generation of runtime based PPM Work Orders.


Runtime types


This type is used where the meter has constantly increasing or decreasing readings, for example a milometer or a number of copies produced on a photo copier. This is used to assist with generation of scheduled predictive runtime maintenance using runtime projection methods.


Condition type


This is where the meter does operate by consistently increasing or decreasing and scheduled maintenance needs to occur when the meter reaches certain reading. For example, a temperature or pressure gauge or volt meter.




This is only applicable to run time meter types. This indicates if the direction of the meter, whether it increases or decreases. By default, all runtime meters are set to increase.




A photocopier where the unit needs to be serviced each 10,000 copies would be an increasing type.

A machine where a component has a limited number of uses and once the uses reaches or approaches zero it needs to be replaced would be a decreasing type.