Standing Data


Description: C:\Users\Steven.Reed\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\Standing Data.png



Standing Data is permanent reference data that is used by the system to determine operation and behaviour of various aspects of the software.


It provides known reference and control over user selections and choices, ensuring consistent data entry. Initial planning and then entry of Standing Data during the initial stages can improve system efficiency.


Generally speaking, most Standing Data will commonly use a code and description field, as well as some other more specific fields relating to individual functions.


The code field is a short unique identifier; it is ‘free text’ meaning you can enter any valid characters into it. The code is used to reference the item in the system.


The description is also ‘free text’ and is much longer, this is where the actual text is defined, and what is commonly displayed by the system when the data is used.


For example, in Work Order types;


Code                       Description


BREAK                    Breakdown Repair


Standing Data and system configuration are system administrative functions and part of the administration menu option which is only available through a user account with the administrative menu group.


Before the Agility system can be used to create Equipment and Work Orders, it is necessary to define the System Standing Data.





Work Orders



Dictionary Files