Mail Logs


Standing Data >> System >> Mail Logs


When the agility system sends a mail notification for the following items, it is recorded in the mail log.


    Work Orders

    Purchase Orders



The mail is recorded whether the mail is sent successfully or not. The email log can be accessed and viewed using the mail log scan form.


Then each individual mail detail can be examined by clicking the detail icon within the grid.


Field Definitions;




The mail subject




The date the email was created




The body content of the email message




Resultant status of the message




The user within agility that sent the message


Recipient, CCRecipient, BCCRecipient


The email address of the recipients of the mail


Result Log


Details about message delivery whether the message was sent successfully or not.


Mail Log Retention


The log retention period is determined by a system parameter located under the FastNet parameters called ‘DaysToStoreEmailsLog’.


This needs to be populated with an integer value in days.


See system parameters in the system configuring chapter for more information on system parameters.