Reporting > Work Orders

Work Schedule Planner




This report can be run in two different modes.




This generates a printable work schedule or planner, where work orders are organised by equipment item and which that can be filtered using various criteria and operational parameters.


Different date ranges can be used, as well as being able to filter on individual employees, crafts or types of job. The planner grid can be formatted into different time scales and supports colour codes for different types of work order.



The planner report returns;


Equipment code

Equipment description

PPM / Breakdown Description (this is the work order description)

Craft Code

Labour Resource Code

Work Order Number


The estimated time allocated to the work order in hours is displayed in the planner grid cell for the specified work order.



The column headers change dependant on the report type selected and will either display;


Daily                       Date in the format of dd/mm

Weekly                   Week number

Monthly                  Month in the format of mmm




This mode generates a tabular grid showing details of each work order, ordered by the work order due date with the estimated labour hours.






The detail report returns;


Due date

Craft Code

Equipment Code (Asset Code)

Equipment (Equipment / Asset Description)

WO No. (Work order / job number)

Task Description

Est Labour Hours. (Estimated Labour time)



Operational Criteria


The report will return all work order records within the selected filter criteria. Both report modes use the same filter criteria.


Check Boxes;


    Check standard jobs

If checked this will include standard jobs in the report

    Check opened WO’s

If checked this will include open work orders in the report

    Check Completed WO’s

If checked this will include completed WO’s in the report



Report Type


The report type selection determines how the planner chart is organised.


Daily                       Will organise the planner into individual days

Weekly                   Will organise the planner into numbered weeks

Monthly                  Will organise the planner into monthly divisions


Conventional Filter


    Start Date

The date from which the report should be generated

    End Date

The date until which the report should be generated

    Equipment Range Filter (Labelled Start and End Asset)

    Work Order Template

Allows filtering on a specific work order template




    Job Type


    Location (Leave null for all)

    Site (Leave null for all)

    Sub location (Leave null for all)





The report is designed to provide a printable work order planner which can be organised dependant on user needs.


Results Analysis


The report is designed as a tool to assist with time management and scheduling.