Reporting > Work Orders

Current Load Status Analysis




The current load status analysis provides an overview of the overall allocated time required to completed open work orders. The report returns this as a breakdown of work order status showing the total remaining time required for each status.


The first section of the report returns a table showing;



This is the work order status

    Description (Work order status description)

    No. Of Work Orders

This is a count of the number of outstanding work orders at the specified status

    Labour Time

This is a sum of the remaining time required to complete all work orders at the specified status




The second section of the report displays 2 charts. The first is a graphical representation showing a count of outstanding work orders by work order status and the second shows the sum of the labour time remaining by work order status




Operational Criteria

The report will return all open work order records meeting the specified filter criteria and then use these in the count and time summary calculations.


    Equipment range filter (Labelled start/end asset code)


    Job Type





The values in the report are calculated in the following way;


Number of Work orders                          Count of outstanding work orders meeting filter criteria

Labour Time                                          Sum of labour time for outstanding work orders meeting filter criteria


The labour time is calculated by;


Allocated time – booked time



The same calculations are used to generate the chart data.




The report aims to provide a supervisor or manager with a scope of how much time is going to be required to address the current work load.


Results Analysis


The report is simply designed as a tool to assist with time management and scheduling.