Units of Measure


Accessed from Standing Data >> Inventory >> Units of Measure


Stock is ordered in a variety of units, such as Kilograms, per metre or per millimetre.




Click Add New to add a Unit of Measure




UOM Type


Choose from the dropdown of options recorded in the Dictionary File UOMType. Options may be i). Meter readings, ii). Stock System etc.




The Code is free text but must be unique and populated.




The Description allows a meaningful description of the Unit of Measure to be entered.


Number of decimal digits


The Number of decimal digits field specifies how many decimal places is allowed for the defined unit of measure. Currently it’s used only when the automatic purchase order is created based on replenishment data. When manual movements are created, the number of decimal places in the quantity field is not controlled by this parameter


Unit of Measure Conversion


A generic mechanism specifying different unit of measure purchase order conversion.


The conversion rules are utilising the existing unit of measure table and unit of measure conversion table.


System parameter will control whether this mechanism is enabled or not.


If Automatic unit of measure creation disabled then purchase order form will function as follow:


Available units of measure and defined conversion are available in a drop-down list.


When the unit of measure is selected, system will search for the supplier price with unit of measure matching the unit of measure specified on the line.


If the record is found, the price from the supplier price record will be used.


If the supplier price record is not found, Last Price from the Inventory Master Record will be used and recalculated according to the selected currency and unit of measure.


If Automatic unit of measure creation enabled then unit of measure and conversion rule will be automatically creates when the size of pack is entered on the screen.


The first routine will checks for the existence of the unit with prefixed by ‘pack’ or value defined in PrefixOfUOMConversionCode system parameter with the pack size appended, e.g. for the pack of 125 items, system will search for unit of measure with code ‘pack125’.


If the record is found then this unit will be used on the purchase order line. If the record cannot be found, system will create a new unit of measure record with the appropriate code. New conversion record will also be created specifying how the new uom is converted to the master unit of measure.