Skills Collection


A certificate can be added to a labour training record either individually or as a ‘Skill Collection’. A skill collection is a group of certificates from any category that together form a known quantity or level.


A certification definition can exist in more than one skill collection. When a skill collection is added to a labour training record then all certificates in the selected skill collection are added to the labour training record.


So in an example scenario when a new labour resource has been recruited as a grade 2 technician;


Firstly adding to the new recruits labour training record the ‘New Starter’ skill collection which comprises ‘Company Induction Course’ from the ‘Company Category’ and the ‘Basic Fire Training’ from the ‘Health & Safety at Work’ category.





The ‘Grade 2’ skill collection is also added to the labour resources Labour training record, which comprises ‘Grade 1 Technical Course’, ‘Grade 2 Technical Course’ from the ‘Electrical’ category and the ‘Advanced Fire Training’ from the ‘Health & Safety at Work’ category.





Skill collection are defined and maintained by the user. A skill collection definition stores;




Is used to add all certificate definitions that are members of this skill collection


Labour (Read Only)


This is a display only grid and is not designed for adding labour resources to skill collections.

This grid displays details of all labour resources that currently hold a valid copy of all the member certificates of this skill collection.


Certificate validity is defined as a labour certificate record existing of the required certificate definition where the attained or valid from date is before the current date and the certificate expiry date is before 23:59 on the current date or the certificate is defined as never expires.


Equipment Items


It is possible to associate one or more equipment items from the agility equipment register with a skill collection. The idea of this is to help job schedulers control and ensure that only labour resources holding the required skill collection(s) can work on the associated equipment, sub location, location or site.



The behaviour of this function is defined thus;


On creation, changing or scheduling a work orders;




Any of the labour resources on the work order do not have all of the valid skills collections* associated to the equipment item of the work order


Or, if the equipment item is part of a structure;


Any of the labour resources on the work order do not have all of the valid skills collections* associated to the parents of the equipment item of the work order


A warning will be displayed stating that ‘Not all employees hold valid certification to work on this item or location.’ then prompting the user if they wish to proceed to commit the transaction. At this stage the assignation of uncertified employees is not prohibited.





*Valid Skill Collections

A valid skill collection is defined as one where all certificates in the skills collection have been attained (the attained date is equal to or before ‘now’) by the employee and none of the certificates in the collection for the employee have expired (the expiry date is after ‘now’ or the certificate is defined as never expires).


Adding a skills collection