Re-Working of Work Orders


In situations where part of a Work Order has not been completed, or if additional work has been highlighted by an engineer when the work order has been completed, an additional follow-on work order can be created from the existing work which can replicate the majority of relevant details.


There are two types of Follow-on Work order available:


    Re-Work-work order

    Blank Re-Work  work order


A Re-Work work order will create a copy of the current work order, copying across all fields.


If the Blank Re-Work on is selected a blank form will be displayed with just the ‘create from’ field populated


Both types of follow on work order can be created through the Work Order Completion Tab on the work order completion form or the work order detail form by clicking on the appropriate button:



In the example below, a follow on work order has been created for WO/1048. This has copied all the data into the new Work order. All grid details are also copied over; these should be checked and deleted if not appropriate.


In either case, a new Work Order Code will be generated when the new re-work order is created.