Fault Groups


Accessed from Standing Data >> Work Orders >> Fault Groups


Fault Groups, and their subdivisions Fault Codes are a method of analysing the reasons for Equipment Breakdowns.


Faults Groups are used to group together Fault Codes of a particular type (i.e. Electrical, Mechanical, Operator Error etc.)


Fault analysis is facilitated by the setting up a structure of Fault Groups with underlying Fault Codes and associated fault types. 


There should be a record for each of type of fault commonly encountered, with a unique code for each symptom, fault, and cause or fix method. This formalises the reporting of these faults and allows for subsequent analysis of fault frequency and fault distribution.


A Fault Group is simply made up from an identifying code and description under which then individual Fault Codes are added.


For example, a typical fault group may be ‘electrical’, under which Fault Codes such as ‘blown fuse’, ‘broken lead’ or ‘loose wire’ for example could be added.






This is a unique code reference for the Fault Group.




This is used to describe the Fault Group.