Fault Codes


Accessed from Standing Data >> Work Orders >> Fault Codes


Fault Codes are used to provide a more detailed description of a fault. They are assigned to a fault group for organisational and reporting and analysis purposes.


A fault code can also be allocated a type e.g.  a ‘symptom’, an ‘effect’, a ‘cause’ or just a ‘general’ code. 


A dictionary list, which can be added to, is used for these types which will help to maintain consistency for reporting purposes.






Click Add New



Fault Group


This is the Fault Group to which the new Fault Code will belong.  This is a drop-down list populated from the Fault Groups added in Standing Data. The Fault Group is a mandatory field and must be selected from the drop-down list.




This is a unique code reference for the Fault. This is also a mandatory field and must be typed in.




This is a free text field used to describe the Fault.




Choose from the drop-down list to define the type of fault: cause, effect, symptom or general.