Equipment Reading Points



Reading points (meters) can be defined and associated with equipment items. The purpose of a reading point is to allow the recording of readings to be made and stored against the associated equipment item with a date and time stamp.


A work order number can optionally be stored with the reading. The stored reading data can then be used for predictive maintenance and monitoring of equipment using charting.


Reading points can be set up as part of the Standing Data Process or alternatively they can be added when adding New Equipment. Reading points can be accessed from


    Equipment detail, using the readings tab

    Work order detail, using the readings tab

    Directly from the menu Equipment >> Equipment Reading Points

    Standing Data


Enquiring on a reading point opens a scan form.







Equipment, the Reading Point is being defined against.


Reading Point


Free text description of the Reading Point


Site / Location / Sub-Location


The site, location and sub-location of the equipment item where applicable.




The equipment description


Last reading date


The date and time of the last reading taken


Meter Type


Select the meter type from the list of defined Meter Types (see Standing Data: Equipment -> Meter Types for more information about Meter Types)


Unit of measure


This is the unit of measure for the meter, taken from the meter definition.


Meter Type


The type of meter, this is either a runtime or a condition value


Meter Type description


This is the description of the of the meter type


Note that it is necessary when adding a new reading point to create the first reading, which is not necessarily 0.


Control Records (Run time PPM)

Adding Readings

Site Maps (Asset Maps)