Completion Target RAG Scan

Work Orders >> Completion Target RAG Scan


This scan forms utilises the work order completion target date/time to determine the current condition of a work order.



The condition of the work order can exist at one of three states, ‘OK’, ‘Concern’, ‘Overdue’.


This is determined by the system comparing the completion warning date/time (if populated) to the date/time of the server hosting the agility system.


The condition indicator is then changed to reflect the status. The completion warning date/time is automatically calculated based upon the work order priority. (Please see priority codes for more information)


The condition is calculated as follows;




The work order completion date/time date has been populated and its value is less than or equal to the work order due date/time. Or the completion date/time is not populated and the current system date/time is less than the work order completion warning date/time.


Basically, if the work order has been completed within the target or it has not been completed but there is still enough time to complete it.




The work order completion date/time has not yet been populated and the current system time is between the work order completion warning date/time and the work order due date time.




The work order completion date/time has been populated and is greater than the work order due date/time or the work order completion date/time is not populated and the current system time is greater than the work order due date/time.


For example;


On a job with a one hour priority on the priority code the completion threshold is set to 15 minutes.






When a work order is then created using this priority, the warning date/time is set to 15 minutes prior to the calculated due date/time.



In this example, on the work order completion target scan from, the work order condition will be displayed as ‘OK’ from 10:41 to 11:26.



When the server system time reaches 11:26 the condition on the scan will be put to a warning state.




Once the due time has been reached on the server the condition state will be changed to overdue.



If the on target column is then sorted ascending on the condition (‘On Target’) then the view can be organised so that the concern jobs always appear at the top of the scan.