

Click on Add within the Supplier Branch grid to create a Supplier Branch.



Branch Code


The Code field free text but must be populated. This represents an identifier for the Supplier Branch.




Language field is provided to specify the language that the Supplier is using. Agility is using the language field to select appropriate language version of the Purchase Order printout when system parameter


“Inventory\PurchaseOrders\UseSupplierLanguageForPOPrint” is set to True and specific language version exists for the Purchase Order report definition in Report Registry. Please refer to system parameters section.




The address fields are used to record the Branch address.


Main Contact Details


Phone, Fax & Email details.




Up to 3 lots of contact details for the Supplier Branch.


Parts Supplied


A scan form of all the parts supplied by this supplier; This is maintained either when adding an inventory item or by Add New.