User Menus






The menu system within Agility is designed to allow an unlimited number menu structures to be defined. Each user is then assigned to a menu structure which is used to control the elements of the system they can access.



Control of what functions they can perform within those elements e.g. read only / update / delete is controlled by allocating the user to a user group.


The menu structure is a tree structure and may be up to 4 levels deep.


Click on Add New to create a new Menu:






Used to store a unique name for the menu. This is mandatory.



Free text and records a meaningful description of the menu.


Menu Lines

This is a grid which shows the top level menu options. Click on ‘Add’ to add a new menu line.


Initial Form to Open

Declares which form will be opened when user log in.


Popup Initial Form

If set then initial form will be opened in new window, otherwise it will be opened in parent window. This needs to be ticked if you wish to reveal the KPIs section as discussed in User Accounts.


Disable help

The help submenu is included in every menu by default. All users have access to the help documentation by clicking on Help >> Documentation.


If this option is checked then the help will not be available in the submenu.





The Sub Menu Details form allows you to specify sub menu levels and the forms that are opened when a menu option is selected.


The Sequence field is an optional value allowing you to specify the sequence location in the menu tree. For instance, 1 will be the first item in the menu, 2 would be the second, and so on. These values do not have be exactly sequential, 10, 20, 30 etc. will also display the items in order.


The Caption field is mandatory and records the menu caption that will be displayed in the menu tree.


The Tool Tip field is an optional value that records a descriptive tool tip message that is displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the menu item.


Type defines if the menu item will use Form Name field or URL (string expression) field when user clicks on that item.


To disable any on click action set the Separator value. Please note that the main menu items are not using the type, form name, URL fields. Only their submenus items are using them.


The Form Name field records the Agility form that will be displayed when the menu item is selected. Click on the help icon to display a list of all forms within the system.


For additional information on Agility forms, please refer to the Agility Customisation Guide.


The URL (string expression) field allows to put URL address that will be evaluated from the string expression.


Agility supports the displaying of icons against each menu option. To attach a picture or icon, set this in the Picture / icon field.


The Menu Lines grid allows you to set up further menu options within the current menu level.