Transaction Type Sequence Definitions


Certain transaction activities in Agility create an associated transaction document. For example, when any inventory movement is performed, an ‘Inventory Movement Document’ is created, containing a unique Document Number record.


The format of this reference code can be defined within Sequence Definitions. Once again all the required Definitions and their default values will be created at installation time.





The code has different significance for these types of sequence as they determine where and how the sequence is used.




If the sequence code is defined as ‘Move’ then this sequence definition will then be used for all types of stock movement for all store locations;


By the addition of different suffixes, the format of the sequence will be used against:



If the Sequence Code is defined as Move.[StoreCode] then this sequence will be used for all type of movements for the store with this StoreCode.


For example, if there is a store with the store code ‘General’ and the sequence is defined as Move.General then this particular sequence will be used for all movements affecting the store ‘General’



If the Sequence Code is defined as Move.[TransactionCode], then this sequence will be used for movements for the Transaction Type with this TransactionCode for all stores.


For example, if the sequence was defined as Move.Issue then this sequence would be used for all issues from all stores.


The sequence codes can be built from combinations of these formats to assign specific sequences for specific movement types on specific stores.


If the Sequence Code is defined as “Move.[StoreCode].[TransactionCode]”, (e.g. Move.General.Issue), then this sequence would be used only for movements for issues from the general store.


When the system generates a sequence for a movement it examines the format syntax in the following order to determine the correct sequence.







The current value field represents the current record number in for the sequence. Typically, this should not be adjusted.


The format field is defined in much the same way for the Work Order code sequence defined above. In the example above, all Issue movements will have a document reference beginning with the letter ‘I’, to signify ‘Issue’.