Reporting > Equipment Reports

Period Equipment Performance

Ref: AG3_005




This report returns a tabular list of equipment items showing figures for all work orders raised against an equipment item that meet the filter criteria.


Costs can be broken down into individual work orders. The report can be operated in a summary or detail mode, allowing the work order details to be hidden.


Summary View


Detail view




The report returns;


Equipment code

Equipment description



Work order number

Job type description

Total jobs (grouped by job type)

Total cost of stock issued to work orders raised against the equipment item

Total of other costs incurred

Total of labour costs

Total time (labour hours) which includes work time plus travel time

Total number of down time recorded/calculated on work orders


Operational Criteria


Results are returned based upon work order and equipment records matching one or more of the following selectable filter criteria. If no criteria are selected then all applicable records are returned.


    Work order start date range

This will only include any work orders in the cost and time calculations that have been raised against the equipment item where the work orders start date is within the specified date range.

    Job type

This allows a single job type to be selected for the report so that specific types of work can be selected. Selecting ‘null’ is the same as selecting all.


Option checked will produce a summary report hiding the work order detail

Option un-checked will produce a detailed report showing work order detail.

    Equipment Filter


The report provides a total calculation at the end of the report showing overall sum totals for each applicable column.




The report aims to provide a total cost analysis for work orders generated within a given period, with facility to examine specific types of work. For example, with a suitable filter applied this report could show the overall labour cost of all work orders for the first quarter of the year.








Results Analysis


The results are used to find areas of high operational maintenance costs, from this problematic equipment can be identified and addressed with a view to reducing costs.