Menu Options


At the top of the Agility work spaces (scan form, tree view forms etc.) a menu will be generated. The menu contains options for performing standard functions. The options available will vary, depending on where you are in the system, but the function will remain the same. All the actions are applicable to the current window in which the link was clicked.







This will close the current window.  If any windows are still open which were opened from viewing links from within the current window these will also be closed down.




This can be used to refresh the content of the current window.


Add New 


This option will create a blank form to fill in relative to the context of the current window i.e. In an equipment scan, clicking ‘add new’ will open a blank form to add new equipment.




This will delete the item currently selected within the current window.




This option copies the data from all the fields in the current form. 




This option will paste the contents, obtained using the ‘copy’ option above in to a new blank form.




This will create a duplicate record based upon the current window.




The takes the system out of view mode and enters change mode for the current item. This has the effect of making all fields and grids editable where applicable.




This option saves the record with any changes that have been made.




This will cancel any changes made and not save the record.







These links are used for navigating the records within the current record set. This is much the same way as pages in a book. First, takes you to the first record in the set, next to the next, previous to the preceding record and last to the last record in the set. The record set may be limited by filtering options.


Additionally, a page count and ‘row count’ facility have been included with the navigation buttons.



Clicking the (count rows) link will return the number of records in the currently returned set.



When the rows have been counted, an additional 2 navigation buttons become available. These provide facility to jump forward or backwards by 10 pages at a time.




The ‘filters’ button can provide access to filtering options for the current logged on user. This will provide access to the ‘filter sets’ and the ‘extended filter’ option.


Filter Sets 


When the scan form is launched a default filter set will be in place. By clicking on this option the other available filter sets that are available for selection can be accessed.  The menu will always contain an ‘Empty Filter’ option which will clear all applied filters and therefore show all records. The current filter in use will be indicated by a green tick.


Extended Filter


The extended filter option allows a user to specify more discrete (specific) filter criteria applicable to the context of the current scan form, and based upon the available options within the filter form.




This will return you to the main menu and close down all open Agility forms.




This will take you into the Help files.