Labour Time Entry (Rapid Time Sheet Entry)

Work Orders >> Labour Time Entry


This form allows time entries to be booked directly to a work order using simple data entry. It is used for the recording of time transactions and does not change the status of the work order.



On initial entry to the form the labour and work order values should be filled out.




The Labour Resource which has spent the time on the Work Order should be selected from the drop-down list or the help form.


Work Order


The relevant work order should be selected from the help form.


This will auto populate some of the other values. The remaining fields should then be completed where applicable according to the field definitions below.





As Labour Resources can have several crafts, it is necessary to record in this field the craft under which they carried out the work.




The first task within the select Work Order will be automatically entered in the Task field. This can be changed if necessary via the drop-down list.




The duration of the activity should be recorded in this field.


Labour Rate


This drop-down list is used to select the applicable Labour Cost rate that should be assigned to this time sheet entry.


Optional Comments


This free-text box allows for any comments regarding the Time entry to be recorded.


Travel Duration


The amount, if any, of time used to travel to the job


Travel Rate


The rate at which travel cost for the above is to be applied


Lost Time Duration


This amount, if any, of lost time to be recorded


Lost Time Rate


The rate at which lost time cost for the above is to be applied.


Selecting ‘OK’ from the menu will save the Time entry against the relevant work order / task.


The Labour transactions recorded against a task can be viewed by clicking on the appropriate task detail icon within the Time / Material tab of the Work Order.