General Item Range Filters


A common feature amongst several of the reports is the range filters. This is normally comprised of a ‘start item’ field and an ‘end item’ field.


Although the labelling of these may vary the principle behind how they work remains the same irrespective of the field they are being compared to.


In the same way as for the equipment ranges filter, the records returned by the report will be filtered to any items that fit in an alphanumeric sequence between the selected start and end points.


[compare field] <= ‘start item’ and [compare field] >= ’end item’


So for example if we had a sequence or items;


A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J


If the ‘start item’ was set as ‘B’ and the end item was set as ‘G’ then the records returned would only be those that contained B,C,D,E,F,G.


If no range is selected, i.e. the fields are left blank then no range filter will be applied. It should be noted however that on some reports the range filter may be mandatory.


Some typical examples of these are;


Inventory Item Range Filter

Store Range Filter

Supplier Range Filter