

Labour Code


This is a unique reference for the Labour Resource, for instance their Employee Number.


First Name


This is the Resource’s first name.




This is the Resource’s surname.


Labour Rate


This is the Rate at which all work carried out by the Labour Resource will charged. The available labour rates are set up as standing data, please see Labour Rates.


Current Shift


This is a read-only field which indicates the current shift for the labour resources. This is calculated based upon the shift details entered within the ‘Shifts’ tab of the Labour Record.


Employed By


This could be the name of a Subcontract Company who employs the Labour Resource.


Internal Resource


A tick box to indicate whether or not the Labour Resource is an Internal (Company employed) one. This is an important setting as it will determine whether Time & Costs entered on a Work Order are classed as Internal or External.


User Logging


Completing this field enables a Labour Resource to be cross referenced to a User Account. This facilitates showing only work allocated to a resource when that resource activates their user account.




This flag indicates whether Labour Resource is a single Labour or a Team. When defined as a team, resource availability when using scheduling tools will be multiplied by the “Team Size” factor.


Once the checkbox has been selected to indicate that the resource is a “Team”, the field “Team Size” is displayed for input. The value which is inputted will be used to multiply the resource availability.


For example, if a resource is identified as having shift availability of 8 hours, but the Team Size is defined as 3, then the available resource capacity will be deemed as 24 hours by scheduling tools in Agility


Team Size


This field is only available if the ‘team’ option is checked. This is where it is determined how many members are in the team. The system using this value and shift work time calculates availability for the team.


Start Date


This is the start date for the Labour Resource. This is effectively the date that the labour resource joined the company or is available to work from.


End Date


This is the end date for the Labour Resource.


Temporarily Unavailable


This flag signifies whether an employee is currently temporarily unavailable for work. If the resource is marked as temporarily unavailable they cannot be assigned to any jobs.




An image file can be attached to the employee record. For details of how to attach a file to a record, please refer to the Attachments section earlier in this document.

If the image file needs to be removed use the change function and select No File; the image will no longer be displayed on the record.