Enquiring on Labour Resources


A Labour Resource Record contains all information about a labour resource including the craft, current shift, labour cost rate, absences and qualifications.


Codes are used to refer to the employee’s shift pattern, pay rate and craft.  These codes must already exist in the appropriate standing data files.


Labour Records can be viewed via two methods:


Labour Resource Scan Form

Labour Resource Tree View


Labour Resource Scan


Accessed from Labour >> Labour Resources




Labour Resource Tree View


Accessed from Labour >> Labour Resources by craft


The Labour Resource Tree View shows all available labour (those defined as both Current and not temporarily unavailable) in a tree structure format. This includes two views of labour resources: one grouped by craft and the other showing labour resources by Labour Code.


As labour resources may have several crafts, an employee may appear more than once in the tree view, as seen in the example of Bill Bronson below: