Adding Readings


Equipment >> Equipment Reading Points


Absolute Value Run Time Schedule




Click on the New Reading Icon  to the left of the Reading Point to be used.






This is used to select if it is normal reading, reset of counter or rollover.  In case of rollover the usage value is calculated basing on maximum value of reading point counter and is equal to (maximum – last value + current value).


Reset action occurs when user needs to set counter to arbitrary value without change to current counter total and usages. In this case user enters last value before reset and new value.


Reading Point


These are auto-populated.


Date of Reading


Defaults to Current Date & Time


Value of Reading


The value of the reading just taken; If this reading is above the maximum or below the minimum of the Run Time Schedule a Work Order will be generated.




Free format text for addition of notes about this Reading.




If this Reading was taken as part of a Work Order instruction then this will be the work order number.




Auto-populated field indicating the Logged on User who is completing this reading